English and Math for Syrian Refugees

Languages: English, Arabic

We are continually sending tablets to Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Turkey and are adding more resources to the tablets already there. We are looking for more English literacy resources at basic and intermediate levels and math lessons in Arabic to for secondary school topics.

Below is a list of topics we are looking to provide. If you see one that fits your knowledge base, click View to see what is already added and Add to contribute to the lesson.

Place Value and Fractions- القيمة والكسور
Contribute resources in Arabic such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps that teach the basic math concept of place value and fractions to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 7-12 in Turkey, Lebanon and more. المصادر المساعدة باللغة العربية مثل الفيديوهات و برامج الكمبيوتر الكتابية و تطبيقات الهاتف النقال المجانية التي تعلم مبادء الجبر والقيمة والكسور إلى الطلبة أو تعطي الطالب طريقة ممارسة هذه الفرضيات ،هذه المصادر سوف تستعمل من قبل طلبة مخيمات اللاجئين السوريين من سن ٧ إلى ١٢ عام في تركيا و لبنان وأماكن أخرى
Perimeter, Area, and Volume- محيط، مساحة وحجم
Contribute resources in Arabic such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps that teach the measurement and data concept of perimeter, area, and volume to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 10-12 in Turkey, Lebanon and more. المصادر المساعدة باللغة العربية مثل الفيديوهات و برامج الكمبيوتر الكتابية و تطبيقات الهاتف النقال المجانية التي تعلم مبادء الجبر والمحيط والمساحة والحجم إلى الطلبة أو تعطي الطالب طريقة ممارسة هذه الفرضيات ،هذه المصادر سوف تستعمل من قبل طلبة مخيمات اللاجئين السوريين من سن ١٠ إلى ١٢ عام في تركيا و لبنان وأماكن أخرى
Squares and Square Roots - مربعات وجذر تربيعي
Contribute resources in Arabic such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps that teach the basic math concept of squares and square roots to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 10-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more. المصادر المساعدة باللغة العربية مثل الفيديوهات و برامج الكمبيوتر الكتابية و تطبيقات الهاتف النقال المجانية التي تعلم مبادء الجبر والمربعات والجذر تربيعي إلى الطلبة أو تعطي الطالب طريقة ممارسة هذه الفرضيات ،هذه المصادر سوف تستعمل من قبل طلبة مخيمات اللاجئين السوريين من سن ١٠ إلى ١٥ عام في تركيا و لبنان وأماكن أخرى
Operating with Exponents- العمليات مع الأسس
Contribute resources in Arabic such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps that teach the algebra concept of operating and exponents to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 10-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more. المصادر المساعدة باللغة العربية مثل الفيديوهات و برامج الكمبيوتر الكتابية و تطبيقات الهاتف النقال المجانية التي تعلم مبادء الجبر والعمليات مع الأسس إلى الطلبة أو تعطي الطالب طريقة ممارسة هذه الفرضيات ،هذه المصادر سوف تستعمل من قبل طلبة مخيمات اللاجئين السوريين من سن ١٠ إلى ١٥ عام في تركيا و لبنان وأماكن أخرى
Quadratic Equations- معادلة تربيعية
Contribute resources in Arabic such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps that teach the algebra concept of quadratic equations to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 10-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more. المصادر المساعدة باللغة العربية مثل الفيديوهات و برامج الكمبيوتر الكتابية و تطبيقات الهاتف النقال المجانية التي تعلم مبادء الجبر ومعادلة تربيعية إلى الطلبة أو تعطي الطالب طريقة ممارسة هذه الفرضيات ،هذه المصادر سوف تستعمل من قبل طلبة مخيمات اللاجئين السوريين من سن ١٠ إلى ١٥ عام في تركيا و لبنان وأماكن أخرى

Reading Skills and Strategies
Contribute resources in English, such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps, that teach English reading skills and strategies to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 7-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more.
Reading Comprehension
Contribute resources in English, such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps, that teach English reading comprehension skills to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 7-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more.
Contribute resources in English, such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps, that teach English vocabulary to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 7-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more.
Contribute resources in English, such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps, that teach English grammar skills to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 7-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more.
Contribute resources in English, such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps, that teach English punctuation skills to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 7-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more.
Reading Skills and Strategies
Contribute resources in English, such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps, that teach English reading skills and strategies to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 7-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more.
Reading Comprehension
Contribute resources in English, such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps, that teach English reading comprehension skills to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 7-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more.
Research Skills
Contribute resources in English, such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps, that teach English research skills to students or give students a way to practice these concepts. These resources will be used by Syrian refugee students between the ages of 7-15 in Turkey, Lebanon and more.
ESL Vocabulary for Immigrants to Canada
Contribute resources in English, such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps, that teach vocabulary for Canada's regions and cities, Canada's government, Canadian employment law, Canadian healthcare, workers' rights, education/communicating with teachers, applying for work, looking for a job, reading job ads, workplace expectations, describing work, volunteering, and soft skills.
ESL Vocabulary - Shopping, Money, Finances
Contribute resources in English, such as videos, PDFs and free Android apps, that teach vocabulary about making purchases, banking, sales, discounts, currency, payment methods, and basic financial terms.
Learning Math without Words
Find learning resources (apps and videos) that teach students basic math without words. See this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7odhYT8yzUM Resources will teach basic math concepts in a visual way so that students from many different geographies with limited reading abilities can learn basic math concepts.

About the Project

Since 2011, millions of Syrians have fled to Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey to escape the violence and chaos tearing apart their country. The rapid influx of children into already strained refugee camps has made it nearly impossible to accommodate all of them into a school system that was already extremely limited in the first place. And many of these Syrian students must take on jobs to support their families, forcing them to give up on their education. Now, there are 3 million Syrian children in refugee camps and only 3.8% of them have access to a proper education. These children face a huge risk of becoming a lost generation, and the mission of our #LearnSyria campaign is to change that.

In 2015 we launched #LearnSyria to send Rumie Tablets to children at a school in Reyhanli, Turkey, about a mile from the busiest boarding crossing to Syria. With your support, we were able to send them almost 1,000 more tablets and find tons of great learning resources to include on them. Results have been extremely positive, and we saw a positive impact on mental health, a new ability for students to learn on their own time after work, and increased capacities for schools (read more on our blog).

The huge impact and massive need has led us to expand #LearnSyria to other schools in Jordan and Lebanon so that more Syrian children can continue their education on their own time.

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